Site under revamp in July 2024. Come back later for updates!

Reeruro by Kiyasu Oka

Reeruro is the mascot of this site. She is a spirit character I designed and created in 2009. Her official artwork has been used for my avatars on various Web sites, places, and items. She is a spirit who insists that she is a spirit and not a ghost!

One thing I like is when I receive artwork of her drawn by other people. You are welcome to draw fan art or gift art and send them to me. If you want to do an art trade where you draw a Reeruro for me, you can try asking me as there are chances I might be willing to create time for this. Various art and references of Reeruro are featured below! Her colors are actually only icy blue and white.

Reeruro Artwork From Others:

Birthday present (2015)

A PC game made for me by my Secret Santa for Christmas 2023! My gift giver mistakenly named Reeruro as "Kiyasu" in this game, but I am still glad to receive the gifts! This was so cool!

Send your Reeruro artwork by e-mail or postal mail below!

Kiyasu Oka
6F, № 60, Lane 85
Baoqiao Road, Xindian District
New Taipei City 231-45 TAIWAN