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MY POLICY: If you place an order, you are NOT allowed to cancel it. All sales are final, and I do not give refunds for ANY reason.

Taiwan Goods Shipping Services

I can buy or receive stuff for you in Taiwan, and then ship it to you. You pay x1.5 of the amount for both goods and postage. (e.g., if the amount is $250 USD, you need to send me a $375 USD total instead.) The postage part is done in a second separate order. Please value my time and don't just ask me if I can help you with a ship-to-Taiwan-only item without telling me exactly what the item is. Please check availability with me via e-mail at before hiring me. In your e-mail, please provide your case details clearly for better discussion and quotes. Please be specific; I reserve the right to decline your offer if your communication is inefficient and/or unclear. Order my service on!

Accurate Telepathy Mind Reading

Want to find out someone's true intentions or feelings toward you? Not sure if it's a good idea to engage much with a new co-worker, partnership, random person online reaching out to you, and so on? This listing is for my sister's telepathic psychic mind reading service, in which you can also include in your order questions that are like "What is this person's intentions toward me?", "What does he/she think of me?", and "How does he/she feel about me?" One purchase for one POI (person of interest) you want their minds read telepathically. My sister has been working professionally in this psychics field/industry since 2005. She specializes in telepathy/mind reading, love reading, career advice, financial outlook, and more. Providing date of birth (D.O.B.) is optional, so don't worry if you don't know the date of birth of other people, don't want to provide your own, etc. YOU WILL RECEIVE: a telepathy mind reading of usually at least around 1000~1500 characters, delivered via e-mail. You will get nothing but the truth because without truth there is no solution. Life can only be understood backwards. But it must be lived forwards. She has very powerful gifts and her goal is to share it with as many people as possible. She does not give false hope.

The impression or image one has of another person may actually be very inaccurate mainly because we can only see others from what they are showing and the actions they take on the outside; "nobody" can see who a person is energetically from within, their human nature, and from their thoughts. (For example: It is so easy to see and feel someone as "kind" if they smile at you in person and do many kind things to you and others, but online they could be privately showing true colors and treating someone else with injustice. The "kind person" image becomes further "solidified as fact" if you lived with them for decades or if they're your family, spouse, or something.) Let my sister's telepathy mind reading and other natural-born gifts see through people and give you understanding of your situation, troubles, and concerns. Order your telepathy mind reading on!

Remote Viewing Psychic Work

This is a reading where my sister mainly uses a special and very rare psychic ability called "remote viewing" to directly view into in real time, something that is currently going on OR at a timeline from the past or a potential future... to answer your question. Remote viewing is NOT a clairvoyant visions thing at all. Remote viewing for the present time is watching in real time what is happening at the target location—just like looking through a telescope or mirror that shows you exactly what's going on at the other end, even though the psychic using remote view can be in a geographical location so many miles away. Having pretty much the exact same view as if the psychic were exactly inside the same room or location at the target's side (when actually the psychic is likely nowhere nearby physically and geographically). The ability can help with various investigations, detective work, and truth seeking. However, note that there may still be some limitations and especially various interferences that can happen during remote view, making certain things blurry or blocked. This ability can also work like "time traveling" to see certain pasts or futures, except it's NOT like fictional works where you alter a timeline in the past to change the present day or future. Instead, my sister will watch a time in the past, present, or future by "going there," if that makes sense. You can also use this service to ask a "parallel reality" question like "What would have likely happened, if 30 years ago, I chose to _____ in this situation instead?" Simply mention a point in time and a decision in your past for which you would like to know the potential outcome if you had decided or chosen differently. Can be done for potential future timelines you are curious about, even if the future is likely not set in stone. Let my sister's natural-born gifts see through people and give you understanding of your situation, troubles, and concerns. Order your remote viewing psychic reading on!

What Are Their Intentions?

Want to find out someone's true intentions or feelings toward you? Don't know if your friend's intentions toward you are positive, negative, or something else? Want to know if your boyfriend has intentions to take things to the next level? Not sure if it's a good idea to engage much with a new co-worker, partnership, random person online reaching out to you, and so on? This listing is for my sister's "What Are Their Intentions Toward You?" psychic reading, in which you can also include in your order questions that are like "What does he/she think of me?" or "Why is he ghosting me?" One purchase for one POI (person of interest). YOU WILL RECEIVE: a psychic reading of usually at least around 1000~1500 characters, delivered via e-mail. You will get nothing but the truth because without truth there is no solution. Life can only be understood backwards. But it must be lived forwards. She has very powerful gifts and her goal is to share it with as many people as possible. She does not give false hope. Order your "What Are Their Intentions?" psychic reading on!

Career & Finances Psychic Reading

Are you worried about your business or career? Do you have concerns about the people in your workplace environment and not sure who to trust? Want clarity on the energies surrounding you and the people around you, influencing your work situation? Wondering when your business will grow? Have questions like "When will my financial condition get better?" or "Did I choose the right career business? How's this business for me?" This is a reading where my sister mainly uses her psychic abilities to answer your question(s) related career, work, jobs, workplace advice, finances, and more. YOU WILL RECEIVE: a psychic reading of usually at least around 500~1000 characters per topic or question, delivered via e-mail. Order your Career & Finances psychic reading on!

Question Reading

You can ask any question you want; love, career, past life spiritual connections, who's coming toward you next in romance, etc. This can be a blind "surprise me!" reading, which means you don’t need to send any questions. But if you want the blind reading to be more geared toward a specific situation or concern, include it in your order. Otherwise… ask any question you want, including fictional topics. YOU WILL RECEIVE: a psychic reading of usually at least around 500~1000 characters per topic or question, delivered via e-mail. Order your Question Reading on!

Two (2) Questions Reading

You can ask any question you want; love, career, past life spiritual connections, who's coming toward you next in romance, etc. This can be a blind "surprise me!" reading, which means you don’t need to send any questions. But if you want the blind reading to be more geared toward a specific situation or concern, include it in your order. Otherwise… ask any question you want, including fictional topics. YOU WILL RECEIVE: a psychic reading of usually at least around 500~1000 characters per topic or question, delivered via e-mail. Order your Two Questions Reading on!

Seven (7) Questions Reading

You can ask any question you want; love, career, past life spiritual connections, who's coming toward you next in romance, etc. This can be a blind "surprise me!" reading, which means you don’t need to send any questions. But if you want the blind reading to be more geared toward a specific situation or concern, include it in your order. Otherwise… ask any question you want, including fictional topics. YOU WILL RECEIVE: a psychic reading of usually at least around 500~1000 characters per topic or question, delivered via e-mail. Order your Seven Questions Reading on!

Readings Retainer (SAVE Money!)

Save a LOT of money on readings with my VIP Readings Retainer service!! In addition to reserving readings at your own pace and having various perks, faster delivery speed add-ons like "Within 24~48 Hours" are cheaper as a VIP! You can also share your reading slots with friends and family to show them what my shop's readings are like—helping them get answers about various things in their life or for fun—without them having to spend money! YOU WILL RECEIVE: a Google document link where your remaining spots and which listings you reserved are clearly listed along with the subscription period dates and other info. The file will be updated whenever you reserve a listing and whenever a reading is delivered. You can use your slots to reserve psychic services (standard delivery) in my shop, with up to two (2) questions per question reading. Get your own VIP Readings Retainer spot on!

Messages From Your Person

This is a CARD PULL reading, where I pull those "channeled messages" cards about your person, crush, lover, twin flame (twinflame), soulmate, spouse, divine masculine or feminine counterpart, co-worker, friend, past life connection, etc. NO card limit because I will pull as many cards as I want. YOU WILL RECEIVE: a photo of the cards ONLY, but there are messages on the cards that you can read and self-interpret. Could be more than one photo depending on the cards I pulled. You may need to re-interpret the cards' messages to fit your situation (e.g., "I love you" meaning platonic love if the person is not in love with you). The cards may refer to unconscious or metaphorical intentions instead of literal ones. Something in your person's thoughts and feelings could seem "similar" enough for a particular card to come up. Order your "Messages From Your Person" card pull on!

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